Square 1

But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over.  Jer 18:4 NLT

Returning to Square 1 scares folk. I get it. The early startup stages? Ton of work, sacrifice - disappointment is fierce.  Many people aren’t comfortable returning to that stage. You have to reconcile any doubt or judgement thrown your way. Whether from yourself or someone else. Most people are simply trying to avoid being a square, let alone being seen at Square 1.

​Starting over happens after the unexpected divorce.  Going back into the pool of singles to meet someone can seem daunting.  

It's finishing up school after bouncing due to whatever lack of wisdom or life situation fueled the detour.  Being older than classmates, away for years and doubting if you still possess the capacity to keep up with the work, the technology on top of the rest of life load is daunting.

Suppose you finally move into a place, begin making it yours and a fire rips through destroying everything you own. Life has a crazy way of delaying some dreams, extending the path to a goal. That's when we have to consider how serious we are about the mission.

Speak to someone who's had to bounce back from a financial hole. I've had friends who've filed for bankruptcy, taken major losses in real estate during a market downturn and had to rearrange their spending. No more vacays, selling items to pay down debt. Square 1 is the address where most don't want to be caught living, but are too scared to evict themselves from.

Divorce, school, finances - it doesn't matter what it is. Going back to and coming off of Square 1 is not what we see most folks happily posting about on IG. ​Except, the ones doing it. Sharing their journey and testimony to inspire others.

Like the potter, taking what’s been crushed by the world and resolving to give it another go can't scare us from starting. So what things fell apart, it happens. So what things seem worse off than four years ago. Things don't have to stay that way. You need to start if you don’t plan to stay.

You gotta be able to set aside ego and acknowledge that the plan has gone off course and it's time to reset and evaluate a wiser approach. Many times, that pride to keep a brand or reputation in a certain light prevents setting up the long term win. No judgement, just ask yourself if the current spot is closer to getting you there or pushing you further from ever reaching the destination.

What's ignored usually becomes ingrained.

Revive us again, O God! I know you will! Give us a fresh start! Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness. Psalm 85:6 TPT


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