Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death.
Psalms 68:20 NLT
If we look at the word sovereign, we see it has a meaning of "supreme rule, permanent authority or ultimate power."
Think about it. It doesn't matter what land we travel to, what scheme or trap the devil sets up, the Lord's ability to rescue us is unmitigated.
Those plotting on our success and advancement don't stand a chance against a Savior with no boundaries.
Wherever we set foot, can become sovereign ground. Growing up my mother would pray for the Lord to bless our money before walking in a store.
If someone got a new house or car my great-grandfather would dedicate it back and ask for protection over it.
God's power is infinite in our lives if we keep Him as the supreme priority.
During these unstable times, it's a blessing to look in the eyes of evil and see past it because there's a rescue so big, so unstoppable we have to smile.
Let nothing stop you today but God. Not even yourself