Riding Past Again

God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past.
Ecclesiastes 5:20 NLT

Life is a short and precious experience. Not all feel this way though. Allowing the past to consume so much of their mind they aren't able to deal with the now. And so they just look to the future as the present passes by.

Some end up addicted to the past and in rehab worrying about the future.

Blaming others for old things or wondering how not taking advantage of that opportunity cost them 5 years back.

Well, you can't feed your family retroactively and that missed deal is one to learn from.

Right now, the present, is a one time offer. It won't come around again. And the grace, favor, blessing, opportunity, health, mercy could change.

God has given you a relationship with the present and it can be like a great friend. The past doesn't have to be your favorite enemy nor do you need to chase the associate that's the future.

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